A No-Cost Solution
for Nationwide Prescription
Drug Information Sharing
Prescription drug information sharing strategies are an important part of combatting the national epidemic of prescription misuse and drug overdose deaths.
The value to prescribers and dispensers of sharing prescription data across state lines and integrating prescription data access with electronic health record systems is well established.
RxCheck provides states the ability to easily participate in the growing movement of nationwide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data sharing and integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), using the Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications. RxCheck was designed with the involvement of state PDMP administrators, private industry, and the federal government. RxCheck is currently operated by BJA and is governed by the RxCheck Governing Body consisting of PDMP representatives from participating states. The participating states maintain full ownership and control of their data.
No Fees Are Charged By RxCheck
No Connection Fees
No User Fees
No License or Recurring Fees
No Integration Fees
No Transaction Fees
No Fees are Charged to Integrated Entities