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RxCheck Governance Board

The RxCheck Data Sharing and Integration Hub (RxCheck Hub) is currently owned and operated by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and governed by member states to identify hub enhancements and guide future development. The participating member states maintain full ownership and control of their data. Governance Board participation and RxCheck Hub technological assistance are freely available to state prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) irrespective of vendor affiliation. The purposes of the Board are:

To provide governance for the system known as the RxCheck Hub which allows for PDMPs to efficiently and securely share prescription data among themselves and their authorized users, and with authorized electronic health record systems such as, but not limited to Health Information Exchanges, electronic medical records, and pharmacy dispensing/management systems.

To establish the organizational framework for governing the development, enhancement, support, and utilization of the RxCheck Hub and related technology resources.

To ensure a technology infrastructure to facilitate secure data transmission through the RxCheck Hub.

To ensure that states using the RxCheck Hub retain authority and control over their own PDMP data.

To maintain an enterprise perspective in the planning and management of information technology resources to support the RxCheck Hub.

To advance the support and ability of PDMPs to provide an efficient and comprehensive tool to promote safe prescribing and dispensing and reduce abuse, misuse, and diversion of prescription medications.

To foster and support the use of open standards for the RxCheck Hub technology infrastructure and conformance to the Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange (PMIX) National Architecture.

To implement any actions that are necessary, proper, useful, incidental, or advantageous to support the purpose and mission of the Board.

Governance Board Chair
Chelsea Townsend – South Carolina

(803) 896-0689

Governance Board Vice-Chair
Jeff Henrie – Utah

(801) 530-6046

Governance Board Secretary
Austin Weaver – California

(916) 210-3179

Technical Support
Robert May – IJIS Institute